Your cargo is safe with Plures Air
Plures Air is by your side 7/24 with the years of experience in private aircraft chartering when you need cargo aircrafts! We transport your precious cargo safely to deliver it to the recipient. If you do not want to lose more time or other companies are not willing to carry your cargo because of what is in it and if you do not want your cargo to get damaged, Plures Air is at your service with its principle of "smooth transportation".
Plures Air delivers your cargos including but not limited to valuable goods, hazardous substances, heavy and bulky tools or substances, car parts, humanitarian aid goods and substances, tools and devices used for naval and aviation purposes e.t.c., safely and on time to the recipient within your country or abroad with its aircrafts having different ranges of capacity.
Plures is everywhere
Sending an international cargo brings some risks at the same time. With an ordinary cargo delivery company your cargos may get lost or damaged. Sometimes depending on the region or the political stance of the countries delivery of the cargos may get delayed or the recipient may not even get the cargo. Therefore, Plures Air is the first choice with its principle of safe transportation, to have the safe delivery of your personal or your company's urgent and important cargos to the recipients.
Depending on your budget Plures gives you the most economical option for its services and can support the delivery of your cargo by arranging some other land routes, railways, and airline transportations if necessary for the smooth transport.
Smooth Transportation
Plures Air carries your cargos safely to the regions that are considered as dangerous or that need special permissions for the flights. We deliver your cargo to the recipients, as we promise with no difficulties or problem by using our years of experience for handling the procedures and paperwork details as fast as possible. When you choose Plures Air servies, you will not encounter with the issues of mixing the cargos and wrong delivery, your cargos getting lost or damaged. We deliver the cargo to the recipient in the same condition when we pick them up from you.
We are ready whenever you are ready
You can utilized the aircraft cargo charter service of Plures Air whenevery you want to. You can relax and arrange your cargo sendings easily by taking our 365 days 7/24 services into account. As in the other services, Plures Air warranties 100% customer satisfaction for its aircraft cargo charter services too.
You just need to let us know the date and the address of the delivery. Plures Air takes the responsibiliy of the rest and delivers your cargos safely. In order to get further information and charter cargo aircraft please get in touch with us.